Academic Misconduct Process at 正规博彩十大网站排名
Section including information on Academic Misconduct Disciplinary Process, the Academic Misconduct Flowchart, and
Academic Misconduct
The Academic Misconduct Resolution Flow Chart provides a visual illustration of the modes of resolution of alleged academic misconduct. The flow chart is intended to provide a brief overview of the Department of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity's (SCAI) misconduct resolution procedures.
VIEW Academic Misconduct Flowchart
An overview of Frequently Asked Questions by Faculty members.
Academic Misconduct Disciplinary Process FAQs
What Do I Do and How Do I Do It?
- Professor detects alleged academic misconduct.
- Professor contacts Department of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity (SCAI) for advice and information about student’s prior record. Phone: 470.578.3403 or email:
- Professor may conduct informal resolution meeting with student by him/herself or with the help of a facilitator.
- Professor sets informal resolution meeting with student (this may take place at SCAI conference room, if coordinated with SCAI Department).
- Professor or facilitator explains the structure of the meeting.
- Professor reviews the section of the Student Code of Conduct the student has allegedly violated and explains the nature of the accusation, providing all available evidence.
- Accused student receives opportunity to explain the situation and provide any evidence relevant to the explanation.
- Professor should wait until the student is finished to ask clarifying questions, providing reciprocal courtesy for the student’s silence during the initial charge explanation.
- If student denies misconduct, professor determines if the explanation is satisfactory, in which case charges may be dropped. Educational dialogue should still usually take place prior to adjourning meeting.
- If student accepts responsibility, professor moves to educational dialogue on academic misconduct prior to discussion of sanctions.
- Educational dialogue should address the specific allegations as well as broader issues of academic misconduct.
- Following the dialogue, the professor states the academic sanctions deemed appropriate to the offense and explains the decision, taking the student’s cooperation in the conference into consideration as a factor in determining severity.
- If student accepts responsibility, the professor completes the electronic academic integrity incident form. A representative from SCAI then sends a confirmation email to the student's 正规博彩十大网站排名 email that states the charge and resolution. The student has 5 business days after this confirmation letter is sent to contact SCAI if he or she believes that the case has not been resolved as stated.
- Professor explains purpose of centralized records.
- If student denies misconduct and professor remains unconvinced, the meeting is immediately concluded and the matter referred to the Department of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity for a formal hearing.
Running a Successful Informal Resolution Meeting
- Don’t take the issue any more personally than necessary. Stay professional.
- Have a neutral third party present to witness the meeting, if possible, as a safeguard against litigious students or challenge to decision, probably either a department chair or a SCAI Department staff member.
- Don’t allow the meeting to be derailed by irrelevant information; keep the dialogue focused.
- Expect emotional displays. Have a box of tissues handy.
- Be open to the possibility of a misunderstanding. Do not prejudge.
- Be consistent in sanctioning violations from student to student, but do not apply “cookie-cutter” mentality to response.
- Point out resources to help students avoid future such problems (tutoring labs, office hours, etc.).